Dr. Cheryl Lentz
Facebook TwitterInternationally Best Selling author Dr. Cheryl A. Lentz is a speaker, professional editor, publisher, university professor, and a prolific award winning writer known for her work on The Golden Palace Theory of Management, effective study skills, refractive thinking, and The WRIST Method. She is an 24-time internationally published and award winning author (16 awards and counting!) who helps doctoral scholars publish their writings within the trademarked anthology series: The Refractive Thinker®.

Effective Study Skills in 5 Simple Steps
by Dr. Cheryl A. Lentz
Dr. Cheryl Lentz has compiled the valuable information she gives in her blog regarding how to develop effective study skills in one easy to use handbook. The study tips are designed to help any student improve learning and understanding, and ultimately earn higher grades. The handbook is not so large that it requires long hours of reading as is the case with many books on the subject. The information is written in a manner to help a learner ‘see’ and ‘practice’ proven study techniques with links to its corresponding videos.
Kindle Price: $4.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Education & Teaching; Reference

The Consumer Learner: Emerging Expectations of a Customer Service Mentality in Post-Secondary Education
by Dr. Gillian Silver and Dr. Cheryl A. Lentz
Anyone who has entered a college classroom in the last five years has recognized a clear transformation in the context of higher education. A dynamic revolution in practice and delivery is underway, and the implications of multi-faceted change are ripe for analysis. Administrators are increasingly charged with revenue production and institutional leadership. Faculty are experimenting with new andragogical models and advances in interactive technology. Students are embracing new modalities, as they strive to make curriculum immediately transferable into industry. The Consumer Learner: Emergence and Expectations of a Customer Service Mentality in Post-Secondary Education examines the new reality and emerging patterns shaping the experiences of these three diverse, yet interconnected, constituencies. This book provides a distinctive approach to the transformation of the higher education culture within the United States. Authors Dr. Gillian Silver and Dr. Cheryl Lentz, noted content experts, professors and curriculum/program developers, explain the contents will initiate an intensive dialogue about the implications and impacts on administrative structure, faculty practice, and learner outcomes.
Kindle Price: $9.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Education & Teaching; Nonfiction

The Refractive Thinker®: Vol IV: Ethics, Leadership, and Globalization: Ch 9: Globalization of Body Language
by Dr. Cheryl A. Lentz
The Refractive Thinker® Press presents this collection of the works of thirteen scholarly authors affiliated with various institutions of higher learning to include topics such as: Ethics in Educational Leadership (Dr. Neysa T. Sensenig); Have We Tipped: Are We Ready to Demand Ethical Behavior From Our Leaders? (Dr. Sheila Embry); Physician Cultural Attitudes Towards Hospice Services (Dr. Karleen Yapp); Behavioral Integrity: The Precursor to Ethical Leadership (Dr. Cynthia Ann Roundy); How Understanding Impacts Ethics and Privacy (Dr. Tim Brueggemann); The Power of the River of Character in Organizations (Dr. Ramon Benedetto); The Impact That Ethics and Values Have on Leader-Follower Relationships (Dr. Susan K. Fan); Exploring the Transactional and Transformational Leadership Characteristics of Social Networking Communications (Dr. Gail Ferreira); Globalization of Body Language (Dr. Judy Fisher-Blando) (Dr. T.G. Robinson) (Dr. Cheryl A. Lentz); Maximizing Debt Collection Performance Through Organizational Design Changes (Dr. Kaja Kroll); and Systems Theory: Changing the Hegemonic Impact on Leadership Advancement for Women (Dr. Beverley Carter). The Foreword is written by Cam Caldwell PhD with the conclusion written by Dr. Thomas M.Woodruff.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Education & Teaching; Business & Money

Technology That Tutors: 7 Ways to Save Time by Using the Blog as a Teaching Tool
by Dr. Cheryl Lentz
As university professors, we seem to find ourselves having the same conversation with different students time and time again. What if we could leverage our time and clone ourselves? What if we could be available to our students whenever and wherever they wanted us, virtually? Technology offers such a solution with the creation of the blog. Think of the blog as technology that tutors 24/7. Welcome to the world of the blog where some of our efforts as a professor are now scalable. Learn how you can create a video (with transcript), embed on your blog, and simply provide the link to your students as the need or topic may arise in class discussions. Please join me on this journey as I offer a path to shorten your learning curve with increased efficiency in teaching methods as we look to the blog with 7 ways to save time by using the blog as a teaching tool.
Kindle Price: $5.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Education & Teaching; Computers & Technology

Refractive Thinker:Vol II: Effective Research Method & Design for Doctoral Scholars
by Dr. Ronald Jones
Chapter 3: Researching Close to Home: Using Refractive Thinking to Examine Professional Colleagues by Dr. Ronald Jones & Dr. Cheryl Lentz. Examining the behavior of one’s colleagues under a microscope is a daunting leap of faith in the interest of learning. Jones (2013) completed the study entitled Examining Leadership Styles and Financial Performance within Rural Electric Cooperatives while serving as President and Chairperson of the Board of a rural electric cooperative and serving on the board of directors of an electric generation and transmission cooperative. Numerous participants were professional colleagues; all were general managers of rural electric cooperatives. By describing the research method, procedures, and problem-solving philosophy, Jones used in conducting research involving colleagues, other doctoral scholars may find practical solutions to meet the challenge and overcome the obstacles associated with researching close to home. Completing the capstone study of a doctoral degree is a demanding process with many obstacles. Maintaining a philosophy of never giving up regardless of the challenges, required revisions, or academic criticisms is essential. Doctoral researchers should recognize that completing a study is a team effort. Although the formal team consists of university committee members and academic advisors, doctoral students can access the expert knowledge of refractive thinkers to move beyond the obstacles. Refractive thinkers do not just think outside the box, they redefine the box, and never relinquish the pursuit of knowledge because of problems, frustrations, or barriers.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money; Education & Teaching; Reference; Nonfiction