Ermelinda Makkimane
Facebook TwitterErmelinda Makkimane loves thinking poetry and sometimes she writes down those words. Her work has appeared in Lucky Jefferson's 365 Collection,, RHiMe and Madras Courier and in the 2020 Summer Anthology by the Other Worldly Women Press. She currently works from her island-village in Goa, India. She has recently published her debut book "Her Story" - a womanist poem on Mary of Nazareth.

Her Story: A Womanist Perspective on Mary (in her own words)
by Ermelinda Makkimane
Her Story in her own words. . . . Who wouldn't want to know the inner workings of the mind of one of the greatest and gentlest souls to have walked the planet? Knowing Mary on her own terms as a woman who thought deeply and acted on her beliefs is something like a balm to our souls. This inspired poetic account of Mary's life gives a glimpse into her struggles during her teenage pregnancyher marriage to an older manher life in Nazarethher motherhood to a hugely blessed (read: rebellious) sonher witness to the turbulence in her son's ministryher presence at his death her life post-ResurrectionThis seemingly "Christian" tale resonates with lessons for all who seek. . . Here's what the author Braz Menezes of the MATATA TRILOGY has to say after reading this debut work:I bought this Kindle version on Amazon Kindle in 90 seconds. I can only describe it as an immaculate concept. A beautiful reconstruct of a well known story, exquisitely described from a woman’s POV, or in the author's words "a poetic account of Mary's life gives a glimpse into her struggles during her teenage pregnancy, her life in Nazareth, in her son's ministry and his death, and of her life post-resurrection. ”A pleasure to read. Keep writing, Ermelinda Makkimane. For whom is this book? Who should buy it?Even a poetically challenged reader can easily find their way around this book. A student of literature and feminism has a lot to infer from the portrayal of a strong female character. As also do women's groups. This book is ideal for contemplative meditation as several Biblical instances are referred to thereby drawing the reader to their own personal insights. So what's the take away from this reading?A calmer you. Why? Because someone who has been there, in that difficult situation, never cowed down. Read it aloud for better poetic understanding and effect. And may you reach that place of mercy and "timelessness,/less of a place and more a space/of boundlessness, abundance, overflowing. "
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Religion & Spirituality

Her Story: Healed of Chronic Hemorrhage
by Ermelinda Makkimane
Her Story: Healed of Chronic Hemorrhage follows the life of the unnamed woman who touches the hem of Jesus' cloak in the midst of a crowd and she is rewarded for her audacity by being healed of the problem that has held her in a vice-like grip for twelve long years. A few questions that today's reader may have:Who was this woman?Where was her family?How did she survive?What was the condition of menstruating women in those times?Is this disease still prevalent?WHO SHOULD READ THIS BOOK?Whether you're young or old, man or woman, transgender, everyone should read this book for a greater understanding of this issue of menstruation at large, and of hemorrhage, in particular, and its apparent causes. The book does not present a medical perspective. It only aims to delve into the mind of a woman who appears in two-three verses in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke and then vanishes. The book is an attempt to foreground her possible story. If you buy this book, do leave a review that tells me how you liked it. Even better, if you could drop me your feedback here: ermelindamakkimane@gmail. com
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Literature & Fiction