Jessica Arnold
FacebookJessica has been writing books since the age of eleven. Her first bestselling book was I am Good at Lots of Things, an inspirational story about a girl gaining self confidence. Her next bestselling book was her story about bullying: Nobody Can Take My Happy Away. Her straight from the heart stories about the struggles that adolescents go through have helped children around the globe. At the age of seventeen, Jessica has written and illustrated eight books for children. She is currently working on her first novel.
Nobody Can Take My Happy Away
by Jessica Arnold
New! Illustrations updated for 2014 and improved format. A book with a positive message about bullying written for kids (and adults too) by a kid! Emily is the new girl at school. She learns quickly that her first day at a new school isn't going to go the way she expected. She gets teased about her appearance among other things. At first, Emily thinks that there is something wrong with her, and wonders if there is something she can fix about herself to get the other kids to stop teasing. She soon learns that the problem isn't her, it's them. Together with some new friends that she initially overlooks due to her worries, they bring about change at their school with confidence, communication and teamwork. This book is written by Jessica Arnold, the author of "I am Good at Lots of Things" and "Hello My Name is Rose and this is My Christmas Story" "Nobody Can Take My Happy Away" is inspired by her own real experiences. Jessica communicates her feelings with this story about how she got her "happy" back and her confidence.
Kindle Price: $2.99
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Hello My Name is Rose and this is My Christmas Story
by Jessica Arnold
New updated illustrations and longer story for 2014! This book is a cheerful Christmas journey that children will enjoy! "Hello My Name is Rose and this is My Christmas Story" invites children to count the days to Christmas with Rose. Every day she has something different planned to celebrate Christmas. Includes 26 illustrations by first time authors Jessica Arnold and Lisa Arnold. This newest edition has enhanced illustrations with an improved format. Share days of Christmas fun with Rose and her family. This is Lisa Arnold's first book and Jessica Arnold's second. This holiday story followed Jessica's Amazon bestsellers "I am Good at Lots of Things" and "Nobody Can Take My Happy Away."
Kindle Price: $2.99
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I am Good at Lots of Things
by Jessica Arnold
NEW! Longer story and updated illustrations! Jessica Arnold started illustrating and writing her own books by hand at the age of seven. Her first book, "I am Good at Lots of Things" was began when she was 7 and completed when she was twelve using the original story and illustrations. It has since become a must read, feel good book for kids. "I am Good at Lots of Things" is a story about Alex, a girl who feels like she never has any luck. She learns that even if she doesn't win, trying and not giving up is really what makes someone a winner. Great for self-esteem, this novel is written by a child who has had challenges and wanted to share her experiences!
Kindle Price: $2.99
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Video Game
by Jessica Arnold
Max loves games. When he hears about the Play Box, he convinces his father to buy it. The latest in video game systems, the Play Box is everything Max dreams of when it comes to gaming. Little does Max know that the Play Box does more than just play games!Written and illustrated by Jessica Arnold, Video Game has fifteen color illustrations. Jessica is the author of children's fiction books "Nobody Can Take My Happy Away" and "I am Good at Lots of Things."Find out if the Play Box is worthy of its $250 price tag!
Kindle Price: $0.99
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Do I Need a Boyfriend
by Jessica Arnold
This is a story of two friends with a boyfriend dilemma. Monica's friendship with April isn't as fun as it used to be. April's stressed out about her boyfriend. Monica thinks having a boyfriend is like a roller coaster. In this story, everyone has some growing up to do. Is anyone going to be honest? Written and illustrated by sixteen-year-old Jessica Arnold when she was twelve, "Do I Need a Boyfriend" addresses the topic of dating from a young girl's perspective. This story discusses the real pressures that even 11-13 year old girls face to fit in. Story and illustrations by Jessica Arnold, author of "Nobody Can Take My Happy Away" and "I am Good at Lots of Things." Edition 4 has been updated with new illustrations by Jessica Arnold.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Children's eBooks