Jessica Drury
Facebook TwitterI was always one of those kids more content to sit with my nose stuffed into a book than run around the playground. I journaled before it was ever the cool thing to do and scribbled bits of poetry onto scraps of lined pages while my friends discussed boys and TV. I love words. I love the emotions they evoke. And I love the firework of ideas they spark in my brain. Now, as the CEO and Creative Director of Heartlines Copywriting Studio, I've turned my obsession with the written word into a paying gig. I help my fellow entrepreneurs capture the attention, earn the trust and strike the right emotional connection with their customers, all through the beauty and power of words. When I'm not crafting compelling marketing messages for my clients, giving away all my best tips on my blog or, you know, having a life, I'm writing non-fiction books by the early pre-dawn hours while the kids are still asleep and the house has a stillness that embraces the imagination.

The Power of Personality for Your Small Business: How to use personality to capture the attention, hearts and wallets of customers.
by Jessica Drury
You'll Learn... How the brands you love use personality to capture the hearts of customers...and you can too. How they use words to trigger all the right FEELINGS to motivate a purchase...and you can too. How they seem to understand exactly what their customers want and need (even before they do)...and you can too. For entrepreneurs who want to make a splash with their digital presence, help everyone secure more of their swag and keep them coming back again and again. Let a copywriter walk you through consumer psychology and personality branding in easy-to-understand language. So you can take your business from doing okay to the kind of success you cut and pasted on your vision board (what you don't have all your business and life objectives crammed into an inspiring collage?;) If you've ever been stumped for content marketing ideas or what to post to social media I'll tell you exactly the kind of thing your audience is craving. Most importantly learn the fears, desires and motivations of your potential clients - the starting point for any effective sales copy. The Power of Personality for Your Small Business will show you how to use personality to wake up your marketing, your words and your website so customers won't be able to take their eyes off you!
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