Kingsley Okei
Facebook TwitterKingsley Okei is a Minister of the Gospel, an Author, a Singer-songwriter, and a Software Engineer.

Beautiful Singles
by Kingsley Okei
Marriage is to be enjoyed; and singleness is not a curse; neither is it a lower life. In fact, singleness is a "season" of life; one within which God builds in us (as we yield to Him) qualities that are essential for a successful marital union. But questionable attitudes, as well as unpreparedness, has not only kept some women from experiencing the joys of marriage, it has also kept many more from transitioning from singleness to a happy married life. It was revealed to Abraham that his seed (the Israelites) were going to remain in "season" of bondage for 400 years, after which they would move on to the Promised Land; but Israel remained in that "season" of bondage for 430 years, all because the deliverer (Moses) was not yet prepared to bear the burdens of the kind of relationship/responsibility God was going to entrust to him! As a result, Moses (and the entire Israel) was delayed for 30 years longer than God intended for them to remain in the "waiting season". This is sadly the case with many singles, both within and outside the Church. Beautiful Singles is primarily written for the single ladies; but anyone (married/unmarried, male/female) can profit from the many revelations, scattered throughout the pages of the book. Within the book, you'll find discussions on the following subjects: 1. Appreciating The Differences In Men 2. Cooperating With God 3. Recognizing That Controlling Spirit - The Spirit Of Jezebel 4. Acknowledging Your Need For Love 5. The Danger Of Negating Your Own Prayers etc. All geared towards exposing several attitude problems that are capable of ruining your relationships, and keeping you from experiencing the joys of marriage. So, before you conclude that God has called you to a life of singleness, please ensure that the hindrance to the flow of the blessings that come with Relationships and Marriage into your life is not YOU!
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LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Religion & Spirituality; Parenting & Relationships