Kirsten McTernan
FacebookKirsten McTernan is wife of an aerospace engineering professor, mother to four adventurous boys, author and speaker. When she's not teaching or writing, Kirsten loves to jump with her kids on the trampoline, paint and drink strong English tea with dark chocolate.
Homeschooling: You CAN Do It!: Eliminate self-doubt and get the clarity, confidence, and skills you need to successfully teach your children from home
by Kirsten McTernan
Do you like the idea of homeschooling but doubt your ability to do it? Are you curious about homeschooling but want to have an inside look into what is actually entailed before jumping in? Or are you currently homeschooling but feel desperate to have your days run smoother?
If you've ever felt like you're not patient enough, not organized enough, not creative enough to homeschool, or fear "messing up your kids" this book is for you. Jam-packed with insightful, easy-to-digest homeschool content, this book will solve these quandaries and more.
Homeschooling: You CAN Do It! answers your burning homeschool questions while giving you practical help in a new and easy-to-implement way. It is a reliable and relatable source that will take you step-by-step through the decision-making process and show how you can successfully homeschool your child at any age. It's filled with tried-and-tested homeschool hacks, easy-to-follow action steps, personal stories, and valuable homeschool resources—all in a style that will speak straight to your heart. Prepare to make an informed decision that is best for your family, greatly enhance your experience as a home educator, and be empowered to live your homeschool adventure to the fullest!
What you’ll discover from reading this book:
- Why the author decided to homeschool, after thinking she’d never do it
- You don’t need to be a supermom to homeschool
- Homeschool myths debunked
- Homeschooled kids are some of the most socialized children out there
- It can be done at any point, and you’ll learn how
- Simple strategies for selecting curriculum, planning, and other practical skills
- The freedom your family will gain through homeschooling and other added benefits
- Why college institutions like MIT are seeking out homeschoolers for admittance
- Ways to educate your children on a limited income
- Creative ideas and resources you and your children will love
- How you can successfully homeschool as a single parent
- How to bring out the best in each of your children
- That some of the world’s greatest leaders were home educated
- and more!
Kindle Price: $9.99
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