Raj Sharma
Facebook TwitterLawyer by qualification; Banker by profession; Writer by passion; Eccentric by nature; Born in New Delhi, India. His first book "Annihilation : Almost - Time to start again" was published on 18th Dec. '13 by Partridge India - A Penguin Books Company. His second book "Autobiography of a Terrorist - A journey from death to life" broke into Amazon Top-10 on 18th Dec. '15. He is currently working on a Three - book series, "The Converts". Book One and Two of the series are already out in the market and are titled "Battle of New York" and "The Great Indian Battle", respectively.

The Converts: Battle of New York
by Raj
MAKE NO MISTAKE - This book is not about Zombies filled with gory murder scenes and horrid chomping on human flesh. THIS BOOK IS ABOUT A WAR. A war brought about by a sudden epidemic caused by a Virus. But, it is not that simple. There are questions that need explanations. How did the Virus come into existence? How did it convert humans into zombies, making them mindless cannibalistic machines and, yet, make them smart enough to work in cohesion and come up with battle strategies against human armies? Was there someone behind the outbreak - some rogue nation, some terrorist organization, or ...? Year 2035 People start disappearing mysteriously in all major cities of the world and without any trace. Few days later, they start appearing back equally mysteriously but are not the same anymore. They have CONVERTED into cannibalistic monsters, frenzied, with heightened physical abilities but reduced mental capacities .... and, yet, they work together in groups, kill enough to satisfy their hunger and CONVERT the rest to increase their strength. Police forces and armies use snipers to blow their brains off completely but it turns out that the virus does not spread merely by their bites; there is another way, but, by the time the humans get to know about it, it is too late. Year 2036 - Six months later Their number increased to more than half-a-billion and all the countries decided to launch full-scale attacks against the armies of the converts that had taken over major cities and main population centers. With multiple big and small battles, it turned into a world war; a war that united the whole world for the first time in history. The war stretches from 2036 to 2040. There are furious battles like Battle of New York, Battle of the Five Lakes, The Great Indian Battle and the Battle for SFO. Will humans be able to stop the 'Converts' from taking over the world or lose everything? Will humans be able to find out the mystery behind the infection? WOULD THERE BE GUNS AND WEAPONS THAT WOULD HELP HUMANS WIN THE WAR OR WOULD THEY FIND A NEW WAY TO BEAT THEM? A three-book series full of surprises and heroic battles for lovers of fast - paced action, battlefields, wars, and, of course, Zombies.
Kindle Price: $0.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy; Literature & Fiction

Autobiography of a Terrorist: A journey from Death to Life
by Raj
Once you start reading you will be pulled in and won't be able to put it down! - Warren Austin "This story is remarkable and is one that should be spread throughout the world" - Chris Ludwiczak "I loved the way the information was written, such sad, difficult truths written almost poetically. It draws you in and you cannot put it down" - M. Lopez What would you do if your family is murdered in front of your eyes? What would you do if the women of your family are gang-raped in front of your eyes? What would you do if you are a helpless victim of a so-called religious riot? Would you wait for the law to take its course or would you stand up to take revenge on your own? A young boy decided to take revenge and this book details his journey towards becoming a dreaded bomb expert from an off-shoot group of Al-Qaeda, trained in Pakistan and involved in bombings across Afghanistan, Algeria and India. However, his life takes another dramatic turn. Fate had something strange in store for him. Read the book to find out about his death and rebirth. The book is a broth of emotional turmoils and would tell you a lot about a terrorist's state of mind upon self-realization.
Kindle Price: $3.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Biographies & Memoirs

Annihilation : Almost: Time to start again
by Raj
We, the mankind, had pushed the self-destruct button a long time back and are currently in the final stages of the countdown, the end of which would mean the end of mankind, the end of this world, and perhaps, the end of the planet. This book is an attempt to show how mankind"s blind lust for power and supremacy can lead to its end. It is also an interesting insight into the complications that can rise out of our overdependence on technology and can accelerate our drive on the path to self-destruction. The book"s plot revolves around the use of an ancient language in mankind"s battle against its nemesis Alexander and also showcases how our science is regressive, not progressive. The protagonists manage to defeat Alexander but fail to stop him from launching nuclear missiles. And that is where the plot turns a new corner.
Kindle Price: $4.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy; Literature & Fiction

The Converts: The Great Indian Battle
by Raj
MAKE NO MISTAKE - This book is not about Zombies filled with gory murder scenes and horrid chomping on human flesh. THIS BOOK IS ABOUT A WAR. A war brought about by a sudden epidemic caused by a Virus. But, it is not that simple. The war is raging like wildfire and is eating up humanity at a ferocious pace. "Battle of New York" saw the might US Armed Forces fall flat against the hordes of Converts and nobody could find out means to fight and subdue them. "The Great Indian Battle" turned out to be the biggest battle ever fought by the Indian Army. Would the Indian Army manage what the US Armed Forces could not? Did the Indians manage to find out a way to defeat the Converts? Would a quarter of a million soldiers be able to vanquish six million Converts that are holding Delhi hostage? The Indian Army is not as technologically advanced as the US Army, but, they have a master strategist at the helm, Brigadier Rajbir Singh Bhatia. Would the shrewd fighter be able to turn the course of the war? The Converts turn out to be smart and not the mindless Zombies everyone had believed them to be. They plan their counter attacks and counter moves for every move made by the Indian Army. They fight big and fight hard to give several frightful moments to the Indian Army till ........ And, then, there are the unsung heroes. A couple of researchers at the National Research Lab set up by the Indian Army in the Thar Desert stumble upon something that has the potential to change everything. But, does it actually manage to do that? To find out the answers to all these, do read "The Converts" "The Great Indian Battle".
Kindle Price: $0.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Literature & Fiction