Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Facebook TwitterRita Carla Francesca Monticelli is an Italian science fiction and thriller author. She has lived in Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) since 1993, earning a degree in biology and working as a writer, scientific and literary translator, and freelance web copywriter. In the past she also worked as researcher, tutor and professor's assistant in the field of ecology at "Dipartimento di Biologia Animale ed Ecologia" of the University of Cagliari. As a cinema addict, she started by writing screenplays and fan fictions inspired by the movies. She writes original fiction since 2009. Between 2012-2013 she wrote and published a hard science fiction series set on Mars and titled "Deserto rosso". The whole "Deserto rosso" series, which includes four books, was also published as omnibus in December 2013 (ebook and paperback) and hit No. 1 on the Italian Kindle Store in November 2014. "Deserto rosso" was published in English, with the title "Red Desert", between 2014 and 2015. The first book of the series is "Red Desert - Point of No Return"; the second is "Red Desert - People of Mars"; the third is "Red Desert - Invisible Enemy"; the final book is "Red Desert - Back Home". She also authored two crime thrillers included in the Detective Eric Shaw trilogy, titled “Il mentore” (2014) and “Sindrome” (2016), a science fiction novel titled “L’isola di Gaia” (2014), an action thriller titled “Affinità d’intenti” (2015), and a science fiction novel titled “Per caso” (2015). "Il mentore" was published in English by AmazonCrossing with the title "The Mentor" on 1 November 2015 (best ranking: No. 1 on the Kindle Store in USA, UK, and Australia). "Affinità d'intenti" was published in English as "Kindred Intentions" on 26 April 2016. She's also a podcaster at FantascientifiCast, an Italian podcast about science fiction, an Italian Representative of Mars Initiative, and a member of the International Thriller Writers organization. She's often a guest both in Italy and abroad during book fairs, including Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino (Turin Book Fair) and Frankfurter Buchmesse (Frankfurt Book Fair), local publishing events, university conventions as well as classes, where she gives speeches or conducts workshops about self-publishing and genre fiction writing. As a science fiction and Star Wars fan, she is known in the Italian online community by her nickname, Anakina.
Red Desert - Point of No Return
by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Anna left at dawn. She entered the Martian desert, all alone. Where is she going? What secret is she hiding?Thirty years after the Mars exploration mission Hera, whose crew died in mysterious circumstances, the ensuing political issues that slowed NASA's race to conquer space have finally ended. This time the five members of the new Isis mission will not travel the 400 million kilometres for a short visit. This time they are destined to become the first colonisers of the Red Planet.The science fiction series "Red Desert", set in the near future, includes four books.The first one, "Point of No Return", is a novella.In what looks like a suicide attempt, Swedish exobiologist Anna Persson, crew member of the Isis, secretly leaves Station Alpha at the crack of dawn to travel deep into the Martian desert in a pressurised rover.As she journeys to the limit of her two day oxygen supply, she shows us memories of events from her past leading up to the mission. Little by little, as time and oxygen run out, she reveals the real Anna.Whatever her goal, wherever it is, will Anna reach her destination?The second book is "Red Desert - People of Mars" (a novel).Follow Anna Persson (AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!--- This is the first book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---
Kindle Price: $0.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Science Fiction & Fantasy
Red Desert - People of Mars
by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Station Alpha: 1000 days, 5 persons. Mysterious discoveries. Friendship, jealousy, hatred, betrayal. Death. Where's Anna? What's hiding in Valles Marineris?Second book in the science fiction series "Red Desert".After 995 days on Mars, the enthusiasm of the Isis crew has turned into frustration and intolerance. Their research hasn't provided the hoped for outcomes, the resources at their disposal are insufficient, and NASA had previously cancelled the launch of a second mission, which would have brought more colonisers and equipment to the planet.Relationships among the five members of the expedition have become difficult. Station Alpha is home to a complex web of conflicts, secrets, alliances, and rivalries.Now a new launch window is about to open, but the news from Houston isn't reassuring at all. While the finding of a possible ice sac might give a positive turn to the events, Anna, embittered by the unusual behaviour of Robert and the cold war against Hassan, is considering the opportunity to return to Earth.When death strikes amongst the five inhabitants of Mars, Anna finds her only possible choice is a solitary escape.But Mars has got an incredible discovery in store for her, a key to a mystery hidden in the depths of Valles Marineris.The previous book is "Red Desert - Point of No Return".The next book is "Red Desert - Invisible Enemy" (a novel).Follow Anna Persson (@AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!--- This is the second book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---
Kindle Price: $1.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Science Fiction & Fantasy
Red Desert - Invisible Enemy
by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
Mars hasn't always been red. Once it was covered by oceans. It was blue, hospitable, inviting. Then everything changed, but something remained . . . waiting.Third book in the science fiction series "Red Desert".The joy of finding the small community living in Ophir is soon shattered by the news coming from Houston about the loss of contact with Station Alpha. In fact for more than a day now, no life signs have been detected inside the habitat. So, together with Jack, Anna sets out for Lunae Planum again. She's assailed by dread about Robert's and Hassan's fate, and also by doubts concerning their involvement in the death of both the Isis mission commander, and most of all, his wife.However, having to face Michelle's murderer is only the first of her problems.Torn between the desire to return to Earth and the ambition of getting the credit for her scientific discoveries, Anna will see her feeble certainties waver several times, until the revelation of a more devious danger concealed by the Red Planet: an invisible enemy, whose mysterious intent menaces her existence and the one of the only person who is still at her side.The previous books are:"Red Desert - Point of No Return" (book 1);"Red Desert - People of Mars" (book 2).The final book is "Red Desert - Back Home".Follow Anna Persson (@AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!--- This is the third book in a series of four and it ends with a cliffhanger. ---
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Science Fiction & Fantasy
Red Desert - Back Home
by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
They've succeeded in escaping. And they're going back home.But they aren't alone.Now that the adventure on Mars is over, what will become of Earth?The final book in the science fiction series "Red Desert".Earth.It's their home, they were born and raised there, but at the same time they've never set foot there. And so the deep feelings that Anna and Hassan have as they return to their own planet, after almost five years, are mixed with the marvel of the foreign entity they bring with them, as it lands on a new world.The two survivors of the Isis mission are welcomed as heroes, but they can't enjoy the adulation. The intent they are pursuing has priority over everything else.Besides the internal battle between the new Anna and the old, two more conflicts consume her: the one against the hidden dangers brought by Earth itself, not to mention its inhabitants, and a more complex one involving her own feelings, which will force her to make an important choice affecting her future. In the meantime, on the Red Planet, Melissa finds herself deepening her exploration of human nature, torn between dread and disdain against it, and a growing sense of belonging.But someone, intrigued by the sudden acceleration of the whole Isis program, is beginning to have suspicions. Now that the adventure on Mars is over, what will Anna's choice be? What will become of Earth?The previous books are:"Red Desert - Point of No Return" (book 1);"Red Desert - People of Mars" (book 2);"Red Desert - Invisible Enemy" (book 3).Follow Anna Persson (@AnnaPerssonDR) on Twitter!
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Science Fiction & Fantasy
Kindred Intentions
by Rita Carla Francesca Monticelli
24 hours. 2 people. 1 target. It was 10 a.m. when undercover agent Amelia Jennings arrived at the law firm Goldberg & Associates for a job interview. Her mission was to investigate a series of murders involving some well-known lawyers in the City. Her target, an elusive hired killer who had been of interest to the police for months. But her plan is doomed to fall apart before it even starts. In less than twenty-four hours Amelia will be the prey in a man hunt and her destiny will become entwined with Mike Connor’s. Their intentions, apparently similar, may prove to be opposite, but the affinity binding them goes beyond what they think they know about each other. One day to survive. One day to let go of the past.
Kindle Price: $4.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense; Science Fiction & Fantasy