Author Spotlight Program
Finally...a book site that will put you, the author, in the spotlight in front of thousands of readers!
BookLemur Philosophy
BookLemur was created by Press One Publishing (est. 1995). We love readers, authors, and great books! We take pride in introducing our dedicated eBook audience to new and existing, quality titles. That goes for traditional or indie authors. So far thousands of people are receiving the daily alert email and thousands more read the BookLemur Facebook Fan Page. We want to connect readers and authors. Author Spotlight Pages will be promoted at the website, Facebook page, and in daily alerts. There is no cost to authors for this program, if accepted.
Example BookLemur Author Spotlight Pages

All pages also have a clickable spotlight graphic, like the example shown here, so they can be featured throughout
the BookLemur site. That image will also appear when your page is shared on Facebook. Click on the image to see
the entire page or
click here.
(You can see ALL spotlight authors here.)
How To Get Started
Submit your application
The first step is to complete the online signup form here.
Submit author photo
After you submit the application, you'll receive an email with instructions for submitting a high-resolution author photo.
Your submission is reviewed
The BookLemur team reviews your author spotlight application and will let you know if you are accepted within 24 hours. If accepted,
your page will be created ASAP and you will notified by email.
Why should I have an author spotlight page?
(1) Because you want to reach readers. (2) Your page will be promoted throughout the BookLemur website. (3) Increase sales. (3) We will randomly
include author spotlight pages in each daily alert based on subscriber preferences. (3) It's FREE. (4) Spotlight authors will be the first
to receive promotions for advertising discounts. (5) We will promote spotlight pages from time to time on our Facebook fan page and Twitter feed.
What's the catch? How can this be free?
There is no catch. It's free. The only condition is that we must always have your permission to contact you via email. That's it.
Is this the same as advertising? What the difference?
It's not the same as advertising. When you buy a paid promotion, you are guaranteed to have your
book in the daily email alert to all readers of a specific genre. Author Spotlight pages are promoted on the website and randomly in the daily alert
email. Your page will be seen, but not on a specific day or for a specific book promotion. Be sure to
subscribe to the daily alert to see exactly what readers receive each day.
Can I list all my eBooks? And what about my in-print books?
Right now Author Spotlight pages are limited to five eBooks. Only eBooks can be listed, no in-print books, because BookLemur subscribers want to read on
their Kindles.
I still have more questions. How can I contact you?
The fastest way is to send your questions through our
contact page here. We'll get back to you ASAP--typically, within a couple hours max.