Steven Orlowski
Facebook TwitterSteven is a widely published writer and editor in the world of investing and financial planning. He is also a Certified Financial Planner™ practitioner and has been involved in the financial services industry for more than 25 years. The married father of three is also a skilled musician. Despite futile attempts to mainstream himself professionally, he could not suppress his limitless creativity nor could he quell his desire to write and publish what he likes to call "speculative fiction". Hence, "Pilgrimage", the soon to be published "The Last President", and many more projects in the works.

by Steven Orlowski
Dr. Shipmate thinks he has the answer - all of the answers. He is a scientist after all. If he can see, touch, measure or calculate something it exists. If not, it is pure hokum. Despite an esteemed career in academia and as the host of a TV show debunking all of the hokum the "man on the street" believes in, however, he still can't answer the big question - what made him who he is? Over one extended weekend with his brilliant and beautiful physicist daughter by his side, Dr. Jonathan Shipmate's investigation into an alien abduction in the heart of UFO-mania delivers the answer he seeks - it just isn't the one he expected. They are here. They are taking us. You better pray you're not next.
Kindle Price: $4.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy

The Last President
by Steven Orlowski
Word from the outside is inconsistent. We have short radio reception from around the globe but there is a lot of propaganda clogging the airwaves. Things are better elsewhere, in countries that were once subservient to the former United States of America. As much as we try to appreciate how good we have it at the compound, we all live with the knowledge that our safety and comfort may be temporary. We could live here indefinitely. We have the resources; an extremely deep well with an unlimited supply of fresh water. Years worth of food; dried, canned, frozen. Even for forty two people. We have weapons, gold, silver, ammunition, knives. You name it. We just know they will come for us eventually. When they are ready. At their liking. Then we’ll need to be ready to fight, maybe to the death. We are alone out here. Our country is gone, our leaders treasonous cowards who will never see American justice. Those political leaders left in place are mere figureheads, puppets to the new regime; men and women who’ve sold their souls for survival. It didn’t have to be this way. It was quite predictable. But as with much of human experience hindsight is twenty-twenty. Who now doesn’t think they saw it coming yet did nothing? We thought we were prepared. We expected life to become hellish. Martial Law? Ready. Gross impoverishment? Check. Mass chaos, domestic terrorism, civil war? Roger that. But it was worse than that. Stupidity is one thing, but generational stupidity, involving the “best” minds, our most revered politicians and leaders, those with the American Dream at heart? This was not stupidity. This was no New World Order. This was an inside job.
Kindle Price: $5.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Science Fiction & Fantasy; Mystery, Thriller & Suspense