Susan Marie
Facebook TwitterSusan Marie was born in Buffalo, New York to Irish and German parents, and immigrant grandparents. For 20 plus years, she worked in the medical, technical, and artistic fields while writing poetry and prose. Her first solitary volume, "knots" is available in Kindle, paperback, and hard cover. Ms. Marie is also a spoken word poet. Book publishing credits include: "knots" [volume of poetry/prose] and anthologies such as: "Trees of Surprise" "Poems of Inspiration and Faith" "Reflections on the Web" "Nickel City Nights" "Bare Bones Vol. 2" "A Celebration of Western New York Poets: Wheels of Transformation" "Voices from the Herd" "The Experience of Living and Dying" and "Three Line Poetry." Poetry Magazine Publications include: "Nomad Magazine" "Poet Tree Magazine" "Fiction365" "beatdog" "Harlem World NYC" "American Tolkien Society Vol. II. III. IV, Minis Tirith Evening Star" "Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting" "Global Voices/Rising Voices" "Poems and Poetry" "The Empathy Library" "Rebelle Society" "Mogul" and "kritya." Susan's writing has been translated to Dari, Spanish, Croatian and Hindi. In 2007, she was invited to The Kritya International Poetry Festival in Chandigarh, India by Dr. Rati Saxena.

by Susan Marie
A volume of poetry and prose based upon various "knots" we encounter in everyday life.
Kindle Price: $8.74
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Arts & Photography; Teen & Young Adult