Timothy Radle

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Timothy Radle was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He grew up in the city of Hudson, Ohio, southeast of Cleveland. He attended The Ohio State University, studying music. He lives with his mini-Brady Bunch family in a fairly constant state of chaos in Willoughby, Ohio. Writing has always been a passion for Timothy. He wrote a few extended texts before really focusing on writing novels. His first book was published in 2018.

The Life of Olaf Waniglia: Body Whisperer

by Timothy L Radle

Experience the intrigue of one man’s extraordinary life. The Life of Olaf Waniglia takes you on a journey through Olaf’s experiences, both good and bad. “Why is Olaf’s life worth reading about?” you ask. Well that is simple, dear Reader: Olaf has some uncanny abilities. That’s not all though! This is not a tale solely of the unbelievable. This is a love story, as much as it is a book of tragedy. It is a story of friendship and the bonds of family whether the bonds are by blood or by choice. Life, by design, is profound. You are invited to examine the totality of Olaf’s experience through his words. His story may change you or your perspective along the way. Care to see if this is possible?

Kindle Price: $8.00


Category: Biographies & Memoirs; Literature & Fiction

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