Tom Corson-Knowles
Facebook TwitterTom Corson-Knowles is an entrepreneur, blogger and international bestselling author of more than 20 books. He started his first business at age 13, manufacturing SAD lamps out of his father's garage. By the time he graduated from Indiana University Kelley School of Business at age 22, he was earning a full-time income from his first successful business which he started in his dorm room. Tom then decided to share the keys to success he learned along his journey to becoming a financially independent entrepreneur through his books, educational video courses, and seminars. Today, he teaches new and established authors and writers how to earn a full-time income by becoming successful writers, publishers and marketers. Tom is the founder of, a free video training program for any writer or author who wants to learn how to successfully write, publish and market their own books online. Tom is also the founder of TCK Publishing, an independent publisher who specializes in publishing and marketing eBooks and digital audiobooks online. The company's goal is to help every single client earn a full-time income as an author. TCK Publishing specializes in marketing for both fiction and non-fiction authors to help get their message and stories out to millions of readers all over the world. Tom's bestselling books include "The Book Marketing Bible," "The Kindle Publishing Bible," "Secrets of the Six-Figure Author," "Rules of the Rich," "Facebook For Business Owners," and "Schedule Your Success," among others. Tom is often quoted as saying, "You can achieve all of your dreams as an author if you're willing to master the three key areas of authorship: writing, publishing and marketing." You can learn more about Tom and TCK Publishing at and contact him at

The Kindle Publishing Bible: How To Sell More Kindle Ebooks on Amazon (Step-by-Step Instructions On Self-Publishing And Marketing Your Books) (Kindle Bible Book 1)
by Tom Corson-Knowles
How To Sell 53% More Kindle Ebooks In Just 7 DaysI Believe Publishing on Kindle Should Be Fun, Profitable and RewardingIf you want your book to become a Kindle best seller I can show you how. In The Kindle Publishing Bible, you will learn how to:Increase Your Book's Amazon And Google Search Traffic By 423% In 30 MinutesIf you're a self-published author without a large platform or following, you will never be able to promote more than the legacy authors with huge marketing budgets. But you can outrank them on Amazon search almost every time! Why? Because 99% of publishers don't know how to increase their search engine rankings in Amazon and Google. But I do - and I'm going to show you how in this book (it won't cost you a dime to implement these strategies either). Most authors (even the ones with publishers and big marketing budgets) have no idea how to do keyword research, add the right search keywords when they publish their book, or use keywords in their book description without it sounding like it was written by a robot. For New Authors: Step-By-Step Instructions With PicturesIf you're a first-time Kindle publisher or technologically challenged then this book is for you! I even had my grandma follow the step-by-step tutorials and she gave it a big thumbs up for easy-to-use instructions. The playing field has been leveled with ebook publishing, and if my grandma can do it, you can too!For Existing Authors: How To Sell More Books In 5 Days Than You Did Last MonthI'm going to share with you my KDP Select Free Promotion Marketing Formula for getting tens of thousands of readers to download your ebook in just 5 days. All you have to do is read the Marketing Formula instructions and follow them (it takes about 3 hours of work to get thousands of new readers using this system). How to Sell More Books on Kindle Using Your Book DescriptionIf you think your book is going to sell itself, think again! If you're a fiction author or novelist, you have to show your readers the story and engage them, or they won't buy your book. And if you're a non-fiction author, you have to tell potential readers how your book is going to help them solve their problem fast or they'll click away without buying. In this book, you'll learn my "Show and Tell" system for selling more books on Kindle by giving you readers what they want and overcoming objections in your book description. Great marketing doesn't require having a huge marketing budget or publisher behind you, but you still need exposure and a great offer. This book will help you get more exposure with Amazon search, Google search, word of mouth, and other free but effective marketing strategies. You have to make buying your book an irresistible offer so that when browsers get done reading your book description they say, "I have to buy this book!" You can't do that without a strategic plan and a well-written book description. Bonus! Video interviews with best-selling Kindle authors as they share their most powerful book marketing strategies. About The AuthorMy poetry was first published at age 16 in Teen Ink magazine and I started writing books at age 19 but had no idea how to get my message out to anyone other than my friends and family. Finally, I discovered Amazon's Kindle Publishing platform and published my first book on Kindle on February 10, 2012. Since then, I've sold over 100,000 ebooks on Kindle and now earn a full-time income as a part-time author. I've since helped thousands of self-published authors like you sell more books on Kindle. If I can do it, you can too!Learn how to sell more books on Amazon today. Scroll up and grab your copy now.
Kindle Price: $3.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money; Reference

Secrets of the Six Figure Author: Mastering the Inner Game of Writing, Publishing and Marketing Books (Six-Figure Author Series Book 1)
by Tom Corson-Knowles
Secrets of the Six-Figure Author Reveals a Proven Plan for Achieving Success TodayI Believe Every Author Can Achieve Their Dreams Using These Principles for SuccessIf you want to live the lifestyle of your dreams as a writer and author, this book is for you. You're about to learn how to:Demolish Every Obstacle In Your Way and Become a Bestselling AuthorWhether you're a self-published author, traditionally published or just starting to write your first book, there are dozens of obstacles standing between you and six-figure success. Wouldn't it be helpful if you knew ahead of time what those obstacles were and how to overcome them quickly and easily?In Secrets of the Six-Figure Author you will learn the 12 key obstacles every author must face and how to blast through them without breaking a sweat. Riding the Wave of the Ebook Publishing RevolutionAccording to a recent study by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, by 2016 readers in the United States will spend more dollars on ebooks than on physical books! From 2013 to 2016, ebook sales will grow from $4 billion to over $10 billion while physical book sales will actually decrease!If you're not taking advantage of the huge opportunity of publishing ebooks and earning a six-figure income, you're missing out! Discover how you can best position yourself for this huge wave of ebook success so that you too can become a #1 bestselling author and live the lifestyle of your dreams. Never Before Seen Strategies for Success in the Ebook Publishing WorldI'm going to share with you several brand new strategies for success that work like magic for ebook authors and publishers and how you can apply them tonight to start selling more books tomorrow!The Ultimate Author Marketing Strategy for Selling BooksIn this book, I reveal for the first time The Ultimate Author Marketing Strategy which virtually guarantees that your target readers and customers are buying your books and telling everyone they know about you. You'll learn how to become not only a bestselling author but a household name in your market, niche or genre by becoming the go-to author in your field with incredible online viral exposure and word of mouth marketing (and you don't need a big marketing budget to do it). How To Improve Every Day and Create Long-Term SuccessCan I be honest with you for a moment? Most authors never achieve the success they want in life because they let little things cheat them out of big opportunities. That's why you'll see authors today who complain about agents and publishers not responding to their queries while others are writing and publishing eBooks and making a small fortune!When you buy this book, you're going to learn how to create your Daily Method of Operation (DMO) that will guarantee you get the most out of every single day so that you can write better books faster, get published quicker and start selling a lot more eBooks quickly. After reading Secrets of the Six-Figure Author you'll never have an excuse again as to why you can't be the next great bestselling author in your field!If you loved reading books like Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, you'll love this book. About The AuthorMy poetry was first published at age 16 in Teen Ink magazine and I started writing books at age 19 but had no idea how to get my message out to anyone other than my friends and family. Finally, I discovered Amazon's Kindle Publishing platform and published my first book on Kindle on February 10, 2012. Since then, I've sold over 100,000 eBooks on Kindle and now earn a full-time income as an author. If I can do it you can too!Learn how to become a Six-Figure Author today. Scroll up and click the buy now button.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money; Reference

You Can't Cheat Success!: How The Little Things You Think Aren't Important Are The Most Important of All
by Tom Corson-Knowles
What If You Could Be Guaranteed To Achieve Your Goals and Dreams In Life?I believe anyone can achieve their dreams and goals using this powerful book as your guide. In this book you will learn: How To Deserve The Massive Success You've Always Wished ForDo you want to achieve business and financial success? Are you looking for the keys to building incredible relationships, great wealth, and happiness in your life? As soon as you deserve it, you will achieve it. Most people just want to sit around and wait until their dreams come true. Instead, you must earn success and be willing to do whatever it takes to deserve it. Let this book show you how. The Ant Method for Conquering Any Problem or Obstacle, No Matter How Hard It May SeemYou'll notice a funny thing if you watch ants long enough. When they come to an obstacle in their path like a log or leaf or stray twig that may be 1,000 times bigger or more than the ant, they don't quit. They'll do whatever it takes to go over, under, around or through the obstacle. Humans, on the other hand, tend to give up very easily. In this book, you'll learn how to master the Ant Method for conquering obstacles, and never again will you be able to say that a challenge or obstacle in life was too big for you. Nay, you are too big for your obstacles and challenges!How a Little Change Can Make a Huge DifferenceMost of us are trained to think that there's some huge secret to success and that if we could just find it, our life would be perfect overnight. The reality is that the keys to success are all around us. If we can just pay attention and implement the little things more often, we can achieve incredible successes in every area of life. About The Author Tom Corson-Knowles is the international best-selling author of The Kindle Writing Bible andThe Kindle Publishing Bible, among others. Tom has founded several successful businesses including TCK Publishing, the leader in digital publishing specializing in ebooks and guerrilla book marketing. Tom has taught thousands of entrepreneurs and freelancers like you to create the lifestyle business of their dreams. Learn how to build the life of your dreams today! Scroll up and click the buy button now.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money; Self-Help

Rules of the Rich: 28 Proven Strategies for Creating a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Life and Escaping the Rat Race Once and For All
by Tom Corson-Knowles
I Believe Incredible Success and Wealth Is Possible For Anyone Who's Willing To Learn the Rules of the Game. . . You too can live the life of your dreams thanks to the new economy and the wisdom, strategies and advice shared by those who have come before you. You're about to learn the Rules of the Rich!In this life-changing book, you will learn:How To Create Financial Freedom In Just 3-5 YearsDo you want to achieve business and financial success? You don't need to wait until your older years. You can achieve financial success and wealth at an early age! It only takes 3-5 years using the system in this book to create a small fortune and early retirement if that's what you want. How To Start A Business With Little or No Money and Create a Profit FastMost people think you need a lot of money to start a business. That couldn't be farther from the truth! Certainly, some industries require heavy capital investments upfront like oil and gas exploration or industrial manufacturing. But almost any other business can be started with $1,000 or less. You see, the problem is most people think you have to have money to build a product and then pay for advertising to sell it. But that's not what savvy entrepreneurs do. Great entrepreneurs understand that you can pre-sell almost any product and collect the money upfront. Then, once you have the cash you can build the product and deliver it to your customers. This is how massive companies can be started with little or no cash. Most Fortune 500 Companies started with very little cash at a kitchen table or in a garage (Apple, Microsoft, Whole Foods, Mattel, and Amazon are just a few such examples). The good news is that thanks to the internet, outsourcing and virtually unlimited business tools and opportunities, anyone from anywhere in the world can start a business for less than $1,000 and turn it into a successful wealth-producing company over time. How To Kick Fear In The Ass And Achieve Your GoalsStudies show over 70% of Americans "want to start their own business some day. " So what's holding them back from starting one now?The economy?The stock markets?Financial uncertainty?No!These are all just excuses for the real reason people don't start a business and stick with it: fear. It's the kind of fear that makes you keep your mouth closed when you wish you could speak up and ask for what you want. It's the fear that stops you from moving forward in life. There's only one thing that will conquer your fear: commitment. When you get truly committed, nothing can stop you from achieving your goals. Why The Old Rules of Retirement are Broken, and the New Rules That Will Save You From Financial RuinIn today's new economy the old ideas of getting an education, getting a good job and going to work just don't cut it anymore. Hundreds of millions of people who followed that plan are now facing bankruptcy, poverty and the inability to retire at all!Over 95% of Americans are unable to support themselves when they retire. They're reliant on Social Security, family and charity donations. Do you want that to be you?In this life-changing book, entrepreneur Tom Corson-Knowles shares his secrets to lasting business and financial success passed down by hundreds of entrepreneurs and millionaire mentors. About The AuthorTom Corson-Knowles is the #1 bestselling author of Destroy Your Distractions, Schedule Your Success, and Secrets of the Six-Figure Author, among others. Corson-Knowles is the founder of Blog Business School, Ebook Publishing School, and The Publishing Profits Podcast Show, all free resources for the public on how to build a sustainable business in the digital economy. Learn the Rules of the Rich today. Scroll up and grab your copy now.
Kindle Price: $2.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money

The Book Marketing Bible: 39 Proven Ways to Build Your Author Platform and Promote Your Books On a Budget (Kindle Publishing Bible 5)
by Tom Corson-Knowles
How Do You Sell More Books and Build Your Author Platform Without a Huge Marketing Budget?I Believe Every Author Can Learn to Sell More Books Without Spending a Fortune on Marketing Using These Proven Promotion StrategiesIf you want to live the lifestyle of your dreams as a writer and author, pay attention because you're about to learn:39 Proven Strategies for Marketing Your Book on a BudgetWhether you're a self-published author, traditionally published or just starting out writing your first book, these proven marketing strategies in The Book Marketing Bible will work for you when you put them into action. Wouldn't it be great to know that your time spent marketing your book would actually be time well-spent instead of an expensive waste of time?Detailed Step-by-Step Tutorials on Every Marketing Tool and StrategyThe Book Marketing Bible is loaded with step-by-step tutorials so you don't have to spend hours trying to figure out how to actually implement it. All the tutorials and step-by-step instructions are included with each marketing strategy!Bonus Training Videos and Content for Additional LearningIncluded with your purchase of The Book Marketing Bible, you'll receive free access to several hours of free training videos. Even if you're technologically challenged, you'll find implementing these online marketing strategies for authors easy because you can literally just watch the video and follow along on your own computer as you set up your own podcast show, upload a book trailer to YouTube, and build your author platform. With The Book Marketing Bible, you'll never have to worry about marketing again. After selling over 100,000 books in the past three years, I've included only the most effective and usable marketing strategies in the book. If you're looking for a way to sell more books on a budget, The Book Marketing Bible is for you. About The AuthorMy poetry was first published at age 16 in Teen Ink magazine and I started writing books at age 19 but had no idea how to get my message out to anyone other than my friends and family. Finally, I discovered Amazon's Kindle Publishing platform and published my first book on Kindle on February 10, 2012. Since then, I've sold over 100,000 ebooks alone on Kindle and now earn a full-time income as an author. I've since helped thousands of self-published authors like myself sell more books through my video training courses, seminars, workshops and webinars. If I can do it, you can too!Start studying The Book Marketing Bible today to start selling more books right away. Scroll up and click buy now to grab your copy.
Kindle Price: $3.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money