Yvonne Aileen
Yvonne Aileen is a 20-year real estate broker with a passion for affordable housing. Based in Portland, Oregon, Ms. Aileen continues to help buyers and sellers of real estate and also develops online courses for real estate licensees nationwide.

How to Buy a House: Vital Real Estate Strategy for the First Time Home Buyer
by Yvonne Aileen
Want to buy a house but don’t have a down payment and think you can’t qualify? Keep reading!
You’re not alone, and it’s not hopeless. Yes, rent keeps going up, making it difficult to save. And even though interest rates are great, housing prices keep ratcheting upward, moving further out of reach. And maybe your credit score could be better. It may feel like there’s a big clock ticking double-time and you’re starting to wonder if you’ll ever be able to afford your own home. But you don’t want to be shut out of the market. The best time to buy a house? Yesterday. Second best? Today. You need to take the right steps right now to get in the game.
Discover why not every lender is created equal, how to talk the language of real estate so you can converse on an even playing field. Discover the loan programs that offer no and low down payment options, favorable rates, and easy qualifying.
Authored by a 20-year real estate veteran and national instructor of real estate courses, How to Buy a House will show you: (1) Every step of the home buying process from question mark to keys; (2) Relatively unknown mortgage loans that are super easy to get; (3) How to get your down payment gifted to you; (4) Why you should never take no from a lender as final; (5) Why your credit score doesn’t matter as much as you’ve been told; (6) Creative ways to find a house you can afford; (7) Negotiation secrets that will save you thousands; (8) A government program that lets certain buyers buy at a 50% discount with only $100 down
Kindle Price: $9.99
LEARN MORE NOW!Category: Business & Money; Nonfiction